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is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is
the world's oldest and largest worldwide fraternal organization, dedicated to
the Brotherhood of Man. The lessons Freemasonry teaches in
its ceremonies, are to do with moral values. A Freemason is basically encouraged
to do his duty to his God, his family and those who are dependent on him. He is
to help his neighbours through charity and service. None of these ideals is
exclusive to Freemasonry, but all should be universally acceptable and
Freemasons are expected to follow them.
are your rituals or initiations?
They are
allegorical plays that teach moral lessons.
can join?
Masonry is open to all men of good character who believe in a Supreme being.
there a religious test?
No religious
test shall ever be required of any petitioner for the benefits of Masonry other
than a steadfast belief in the existence and perfection of God and no Lodge in
this jurisdiction shall receive any candidate without the acknowledgment of such
Freemasonry a Cult?
No. Masonry is not a religion or Cult. Religions and Cults do the following
(though details vary from one to the next): Practice sacerdotal functions, Teach
Theology, Ordain Clergy, Define sin and salvation, Offer salvation, perform
sacraments, publish or specify a Holy Book, describe or define the deity. Cults
publish books, which they will claim to be the same as or superior to the Holy
Writings... Most cults can be traced back to a single individual whose teachings
pervade the group. Masonry does none of these.
does Masonry require?
All that Masonry requires of Masons is to be good men and true, or men of honour
and honesty. Regardless of our personal opinions on subjects that may be
controversial, we should meet as brothers and friends.
Masonry a secret society?
No. Freemasonry is not a secret society. There is no secret about any of its
aims or principles. Its constitutions and rules are published and are available
to the public. All Freemasons are free to acknowledge their membership and will
do so in response to inquiries for respectable reasons.
Masonry against religion?
No. Freemasonry is far from indifferent to religion. Without interfering in
religious practice it expects each member to follow his own faith, and to place
above all other duties his duty to God by whatever name He is known. Its moral
teachings are acceptable to all religions. Freemasonry is thus a supporter of
Freemasonry a Religion?
No. Freemasonry is
not a religion and promotes no doctrine, dogma, or converts. Freemasonry has no
cosmology, eschatology or theology. Freemasonry offers no sacraments nor does it
claim to lead to salvation by any definition. Freemasonry has not, nor has it
ever claimed the prerogatives of religion. Freemasonry believes that men of all
faiths can dwell together in peace. Freemasonry requires its members to believe
in God but will not dictate those beliefs except insofar as they coincide with
the teachings of Freemasonry. The teachings of Freemasonry are built on the
virtues of Faith, Hope, Charity, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. The "search
for light" found in Freemasonry is a reference to a quest for knowledge, not
there a Masonic God?
The names used for the
Supreme Being enable men of different faiths to join in prayer (to God as each
sees Him/Her) without the terms of the prayer causing dissension among them.
There is no separate Masonic God; a Freemason's God remains the God of the
religion each member professes. Masonry leaves it up to the individual Mason to
choose his pathway to God. The Mason is expected, quite properly, to get that
spiritual guidance from his own denomination, which he is encouraged to support
with both his energy and his personal finances.
Masons hate God?
No. Freemasons meet
in common respect for the Supreme Being as He remains Supreme in their
individual religions, and it is no part of Freemasonry to attempt to join
religions together. The Bible, referred to by Freemasons as the Volume of the
Sacred Law, is always open at every Masonic meeting.
Masonry use satanic symbols?
No. If a group using
a symbol. Defines that symbol.. then the K K K should have killed the use of the
cross by Christians.. but it has not....
does Masonry use a 5-pointed star?
Eastern Star uses it with one point down to represent the light of the star
coming down to earth. For Masons the star with one point up is a symbol of man,
with the 5 points representing the head, hands, and feet. The Scottish Rite uses
it to represent the blazing glory of God, which fills the entire universe, and
that God reveals Himself to mankind through nature. Further information on
groups mentioned here can be found on the internet.
does Masonry Teach?
Masonry teaches moral lessens through allegorical plays, and the use of symbols
with the tools of the operative masons. Masons seek to improve themselves and
help others by showing them a way to improve their lives. Freemasonry is many
things - Courtesy in Society - Concern for the unfortunate -Fairness in Work -
Forgiveness for the Penitent - Honesty in Business - Help for the Weak -
Kindness in the Home - Love for one another - above all - Resistance towards the
Wicked - and Reverence for the Supreme Being.
does Masonry accept into membership?
Masonry accepts people from every religion, race, and country. You are not
turned away for your differences; you are accepted because of them.
do Masons do?
Masons take good people and tries to make them better, by showing them how they
should act, and live their lives. Masons give 2 million dollars a day to
charity. Masons help their family, their friends, their neighbours, their
community, and even strangers when they are in need. Masons have the Shrine
Hospitals, Burns Hospitals, Children's Hospital; support Cerebral Palsy;
Dentistry for the Handicapped, College Scholarships, Special Olympics, help the
Salvation Army, and on and on and on. Masons make sure that crippled children
have the proper equipment like wheelchairs, and braces at no cost. Masons
generally help their community without any recognition. What more could you ask.
are the qualifications to become a Mason?
One must be a man, of lawful age, good character, and hold a belief in the
existence of a Supreme Being.
did Freemasonry begin?
Masonry is said to have started around the time of King Solomon, but no proof
has been fond to substantiate that. These men were known as Operative Masons
because they worked in stone. In 1717 Speculative Masonry (not workers in stone
but it moral character) started with the opening of the United Grand Lodge of
England. Thus Freemasons are freethinking individuals.
You a Christian organization?
No. Masonry is
neither affiliated nor apposed to any religions. Masonry welcomes all religious
beliefs. All Masonry asks, is that you work toward one's personal understanding
of the great architect, whom ever you believe that is.
do Masons believe?
Masonry believes that everyone has a choice, that the golden rule should be
followed, and that your religion and politics is your business. The principal
object of Freemasonry has always been to perfect the individual and to guide
mankind toward a better, more harmonious development. The individual Mason is a
Builder on the Temple of Human Brotherhood; a Mason is both the trowel and the
cement, which combine the units of society. The brotherly love he extends to
others is the trowel; the appreciation and affection he arouses are the cement,
which helps to bind people closer to each other.
is the purpose of Masonry?
One of its most basic purposes is to make good men even better. We try to place
emphasis on the individual man by strengthening his character, improving his
moral and spiritual outlook, and broadening his mental horizons. We try to
impress upon the minds of our members the principles of personal responsibility
and morality, encouraging each member to practice in his daily life the lessons
taught through symbolic ceremonies in the lodge. One of the universal doctrines
of Freemasonry is the belief in the "Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of
God." Each Mason establishes the importance of this belief as he practices the
three principle tenets of Masonry: Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
should I believe?
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is
conducive to the good and benefit of one and all. Then accept it and live up to
is the All Seeing Eye?
The all-seeing eye means that the Supreme Being sees us for who we really are...
we may fool others but God knows everything.
are the secrets of Freemasonry?
1) Try to be a better man.
2) Treat your neighbour like you want to be treated.
3) Be in reverential awe of the all mighty, in whatever form you believe He or
She takes.
4) Ask for God's help when you're about to try something big.
5) Be good to yourself and avoid situations that make you less than what you are
capable of being.
6) Keep your faculties intact if it's within your power to do so.
7) Be a good citizen.
8) Don't let your love for Masonry lead you into pointless or counterproductive
benefits will I enjoy if I become a member?
Masonry is not about getting benefits; Masonry is about what you can do for
others. As brothers we offer each other fraternal affection and respect.
Together we will support each other in adherence to this creed, so that our
communities and we will be the better because of our fraternity and its
women be Masons?
No. While the "ancient charges" of Masonry state that no woman can be made a
Mason, the practice has existed for a very long time. No, women would be
recognized as a Mason at this time in Regular Masonic Lodges.
the dollar bill the work of Masons?
No. Congress declined the first committee's suggestions, and designs of the
dollar, as well as those of its 1780 committee. Francis Hopkinson, consultant to
the second (1782) committee, used an unfinished pyramid in [his] design. Charles
Thomson, Secretary of Congress, and William Barton, artist and consultant,
borrowed from earlier designs and sketched what at length became the United
States Seal. None of the final designers of the seal were Masons.
Albert Pike an Anti-Mason?
No. Albert Pike is popular with anti-masons for three reasons. First, Léo Taxil
falsely accused him of claiming that the God of Freemasonry was lucifer (Note
his public confession); secondly, Susan L. Davis and Walter L. Fleming, without
documentation or proof, claimed him as a leader of the Ku Klux Klan; and
thirdly, Pike's extensive writings are easily quoted out of context to
demonstrate pagan or occult leanings.
In the 861 page
book Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike makes a total of four references to lucifer
[pp. 73, 102, 321, 324]. In each he uses the word lucifer in the popular usage
as a synonym for satan; on page 321 he points out the paradox of the Latin root
meaning of the word as the bringer of light. Although we may disagree with his
personal beliefs, he is clearly not exalting satan. In context he also makes it
very clear that his book is a treatise on comparative religion and is not a book
of Masonic instruction.
George Washington renounce Freemasonry?
No. He remained a
member of the Craft from his initiation into the Lodge at Fredericksburg,
Virginia No. 4 on Nov 4, 1752 until the day he died on December 14, 1799, when
he then, at his widow's request, received a Masonic funeral.
Freemasonry connected to the Templars?
No. There is no
connection to the Knights Templar of the 14th century, and Masonry. Contrary to
the wishful thinking of many Freemasons, and non-masons, there is no proof of a
link and regular Freemasonry makes no claim of a link.
about the Masonic Bible?
There is no Masonic Bible. The Bible used is the King James Version of the Holy
Bible, which is used in some Christian Lodges. This Bible only has a short
Masonic history section added to the front.
Books I've read say.....................
A book is written to sell, and no matter if you get a book in favour of Masonry,
or a book against Masonry, it is only the author’s opinion, no one else.
is the difference between Freemasonry and Masonry?
Masonry refers to builders in stone or Operative Masonry, Freemasonry refers to
builders in character or Speculative Masonry, but there is no difference in
their usage today.
can I understand Masonry?
How can I make you understand a song without you hearing it, a fragrance without
you smelling it, or a thought without you thinking it? You can learn about
Masonry, but the only way you can understand Masonry, is to join.
is a 33 Degree Mason?
A 33 Degree Mason is a Mason who has devoted his life to helping his community
and Masonry, as well as everyone he comes in contact with. A good person in
every way, so much so that he is recognized for his efforts by having the
33-degree bestowed on him.
does it mean to be a Master Mason?
Being a Master Mason is a lot of responsibility. You must be true to yourself
and be reminded everyday that being a Master Mason you reflect on all of
Masonry. You must not just receive brotherly love, but give it and show it
towards everyone. You are in a chain of brothers and sisters, which starts in
your heart and through hands, but which spreads around the globe. Be careful you
are not the weakest link, so that this chain won't break because of you.